100% Score Board

This is an exciting deal I played with robots in which I scored 100%!

My partner opened with a 3-level preemptive bid and I passed. West bid 4 clubs and I bid 4 hearts. East decided to bid 5 clubs and I thought and finally bid 5 hearts, which West doubled. 

Opponents led a low club and I counted losers. I had 3 losers and I needed to get rid of 1 loser. Opponents won the first trick and led a diamond. I won with the ace. Then I led a spade to the ace hoping for a singleton king. Next, I ruffed my last club and drew trumps. I played 3 more trumps and West discarded a low spade! Then I led a spade and opponents followed. I ruffed the next trick and won the 11th trick with my good spade. 
