Friend Challenge Deals #1

I played a one-on-one challenge on BBO with my friend Lia. (lia1212) It was an 8 board MP tournament. This is a review of the boards we played.

Board 1

I had a 15 points balanced hand so I opened 1NT. Partner made a Jacoby transfer bid and I completed the transfer. Then he showed a 5-5 major suit hand and I bid 4S as I had no extra values.

West led the king of clubs. I had 2 club losers, 2 heart losers, and 1-2 spade losers if they split 3-2. I could ruff my heart losers.

West won the first trick with king and continued clubs. East won the second trick with the ace and led a heart. I cashed A-Q of hearts and played the queen of clubs to discard a heart. Alas! West ruffed with the ten. So I over ruffed with the queen. Then I ruffed a heart. East threw a club. Then I cashed the ace of spades and continued a spade hoping to draw the last 2 trumps. East won with the king and West showed out. Down one.

Lia also went down one.

Board 2

I had a 17 point balanced hand and I opened 1NT. Partner bid Stayman and I bid 2 hearts. Partner bid 4 hearts.

West led the king of clubs. I had 1 club loser, 1 diamond loser, and 1 heart loser if they split 4-1. West won the first trick and shifted to a diamond. I won with the queen and played A-K of hearts. East threw a spade on the second heart. I led the king of diamond and East won the ace. East led a spade. I cashed the K-Q of spades. I cross-ruffed the next 4 tricks to make the contract.

Lia also made the contract.

Board 3

I had 12 points and I opened 1C. West overcalled 1D. I passed.

Partner cashed the ace of clubs. Declarer played the king. Then partner shifted to a spade and I won with the ace. Then I led a club and East won. East then led a trump. West played the queen and partner won with the ace. I led a club and West ruffed. Then he played the king of spades and partner ruffed. Partner led a heart and I won with the ace. Then I led a spade and West ruffed. Then opponents cashed the king of hearts and led a club. Partner over ruffed West’s trump and won the last 2 tricks with trumps.

Lia doubled the opponent's contract and scored 500 points.

Board 4

Right hand opponent opened 1C. West showed spades and final contract was 2S.

Partner led the jack of clubs. Dummy covered with the queen and I played the king. Declarer ruffed and led a diamond. Partner won with his king and led a diamond. I won with the ace. Next I led my last diamond and partner won. He then led a club and the dummy won, declarer discarding a heart. Partner won the dummy’s trump lead and led a heart. I won with the ace and played the queen of hearts. Declarer played the jack. I continued hearts which declarer ruffed. We could win another trick with partner’s queen of spades. Plus 200.

Lia’s result was the same.

Board 5

I opened 1C and the partner responded 1H. Then I bid 1S. Partner bid 1NT which I passed.

East led the deuce of clubs. I had 4 winners and needed 3 tricks to make the contract. I could develop 2 tricks in both clubs and diamonds. I played low in dummy and West won with the king. Next opponents won two heart tricks and shifted to a club. Then I finessed in diamonds which I won. I cashed Q-J of clubs, diamonds, and the ace of hearts. I made the contract with two overtricks.

Lia made only one overtrick.

Board 6

I opened 1NT and everyone passed.

West led the queen of spades. I had 3 sure tricks and had to win another 4 tricks. I could develop 2 diamond tricks. I played the ace and led the queen of diamonds. East led the jack of clubs; queen, ace, three. Opponents then cashed 2 clubs both opponents followed marking a 3-3 split. Then East played a heart, I ducked. East shifted to a spade which I won with my king. I led the nine of diamonds to force the ace but opponents ducked. Then I led a spade. I thought West had the jack because he led the queen. But East had the jack. They won three spade tricks. I won the last two tricks. Down two.

Lia’s play was different and she managed to make the contract.

Board 7

I passed my 11 point hand and opponents bid to 3D.

Partner led the jack of hearts. I played the ace and shifted to a spade. Declarer won with the king and cashed the ace of diamonds, king of diamonds, and ace of clubs. Then he ruffed a club and led a diamond. Partner won with the king and led a heart. Opponents won the remaining tricks.

The result at the other table was the same.

Board 8

Partner opened 1C, I responded 1S, West doubled and partner redoubled showing support. East bid 2H and I bid 4S.

The opening lead was four of hearts. I had 2 diamond losers, 2 heart losers, and 1 club loser. East won with the ace and shifted to a club. I won with the queen and drew trumps. Trumps split 4-0. I finessed in clubs and ruffed a club. Then I led a diamond. West won with the king and cashed a heart. I won the last 2 tricks and made the contract.  

Lia played the deuce of clubs at trick 2 and West played the king. Hence she could win an overtrick.


I won only one board and scored 37.50%. Congratulations Lia!

Score (MP)
1 4SS-1 -50
4SS-1 -50
2 4HS= 620
4HS= 620
3 1DW-2 200
1DWx-2 500
4 2SW-2 200
2SW-2 200
5 1NN+2 150
1NN+1 120
6 1NS-2 -100
1NS= 90
7 3DW+2 -150
3DW+2 -150
8 4SS= 420
4SS+1 450
Total: 37.50%


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