Lucky Deal

Bridge is a game of skill. But sometimes you need some luck to make a contract. I played this hand when playing a solitaire bridge game with robots on BBO. (Click the image to enlarge it.)

West led the six of clubs against our 3NT contract. I counted winners before playing to the first trick. I had 4 top tricks. I needed 5 more tricks to make the contract. Spade and diamond suits could provide 1 trick from each suit by promotion. Heart suit could provide 2 tricks unless West was dealt both ace and queen. If clubs had split 3-3, I could win 1 extra club trick.

I won the first trick with the ace and played a low heart to my jack which won. Then I cashed the ace of spades and led the jack of spades. West played low. Next I cashed the king of clubs and led a diamond to the king. West won with the ace and cashed the king of spades. Then he played the jack of clubs, East followed with ten. I could win the 13th club. Then I cashed the queen of diamonds and exited with my last diamond. East won and played the three of hearts. I played the ten and West won with the ace. But I won the 13th trick with the king of hearts making the contract.

Click Here to play this hand.


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